Numbers and words

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  • #72494

    Hi Sir
    In the listening tests, I some time come across the instructions that say “answer with not more than 2 words” but the answer actually demands numbers. for example, for a question that reads how much money the man needs to pay for registering for a football match…………?, the answer in the conversation may be 125 US dollars. Some times the question even demands postal code and phone numbers where as we need to answer them with words. How do we address this?



    A number is one word. 125 dollars would be two words. You would never put “US” in – that would likely be automatically marked incorrect.

    Similarly, a post code is one word. Really, it’s not even a word, but the test will never ask you for anything in addition to a post code. ie. the answer will never be “Bob’s post code – B7E 4R8”

    Don’t overcomplicate things!

    And remember, always write numerals, not the words. ie 38, not “thirty-eight”. This prevents spelling mistakes.

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