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nowadays , there is several and easy ways to reach anyplace you decide to . Planes , ships and cars are the most used means of transportation . But , in my opinion , I think that vehicles were and still the most important kind of transportation in the past two centuries .

Everybody now have a car , as a result for many different reasons . First of all , it is easy to ride and drive . It is small , so it can move simply in the roads . It is comfy for people to sit in . And it has a strong illuminator , so it can load a lot of road stressors . So cars are a very efficient vehicle in transporting .

despite that vehicles such as cars and trains are only a good and elegant way of transportation , other vehicles like vans and trains , can be used also as a freight . It can transform many different products between foreign cities .

So vehicles were very significant in the past two centuries until now , but there is still some drawbacks . Using a car in unsecured ways , can lead to several dangerous problems . Over the limited speed usage of a car , will lead to horrible accidents . It can injure people in the vehicle , or even worse , it can lead to death . So many drawbacks were facing  these vehicles , but they are so slight in comparison to there benefits .

In other words , vehicles like trains or cars , have a lot of drawbacks and problems . But they are still very important for people . I can’t imagine our lifes without these vehicles , they are still in a great process since 200 years ago .