IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Improving Relationships – Band 9

Hi Students! Here are the Speaking part 2 questions that we covered in the past. Remember to practice your speaking by clicking, “Student Partner Speaking” in your My Student Account at (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package) Good studies


Talk about an idea you had to improve a relationship

You should say:

– Who it was with?

– What was the idea?

– When and why did you have this idea?

– Did it improve your relationship? If yes, how?

You will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic.

You will have one minute to prepare what you are going to say.

STEP 1 – Read the topic statement twice and the questions carefully!

STEP 2 – Identify the category (Idea) + Identify the primary tense (past, past perfect, present perfect, progressive)

Idea – the idea, the origin, requirements, results, improvement

STEP 3 – Think of 2-3 ideas that are original, lots of content and easy to talk about

*To do this well, think critically, think outside the box (broad), think of specific examples, *strongly consider the topic, AND visualize

Relationship – what are some common relationships – parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, colleagues, peers, teachers, partners (boy/girlfriend, husband wife), neighbor

Quit smoking, Annual family vacation, date night, casual day once a month at the office, family dinner time, hiking twice a week, block party, community clean-up 

(***When you are asked about an “idea” – this usually translates to a real-world actionable event)

Reduce stress, anger (these are abstract idea) 

You MUST speak about tangible ideas! If you stay abstract in your communication, you WILL have low coherence. 

Block Party (build a better relationship with neighbors)

STEP 4 – usable NOTES

Block party – to have a barbecue with all the neighbors on my street in June

Origin – strengthen bonds after COVID lockdown, new neighbors, tv show

Requirements – decorations, tables, food, barbecue, games, schedule, music

Outcomes – forming stronger relationships, happy vibes in the hood, new friends, build support network, trust, business contacts

Improvements – ice breaker games to break anxiety, theme party, do it twice a year (not just once)

STEP 5 – come up with your first sentence BEFORE the one-minute preparation time is up. 

A fantastic idea that I came up with to improve the relations among my neighbors was to have a block party in early June of this summer. I had come up with this idea because I realized that my neighbors became very estranged from each other due to the COVID lockdown over the past year. Also, three new neighbors had moved to our block during 2020 and they didn’t know anyone on our street. I was watching a comedy movie called ‘Block Party’ and this sparked this idea. 

In order to make my idea a reality, I needed to send notifications to my neighbors. I did this by printing out some fliers and putting them in mailboxes and then following up with my neighbors a week later by knocking on some doors. Of course for the event, I had to coordinate some food, games and music to make sure that everyone would have a fun time. 

Fortunately, most of my neighbors were on board and we had fun-filled day in early June, strengthening old bonds, forming new relationships and building a strong network of support and trust in our community. 

I feel that this was truly a successful event and in the future, I would suggest to my neighbors to have such a block party at least twice a year, in spring and late summer. 

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