IELTS Task 2 Writing
You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Some people believe that the internet has reduced the need for studying facts in history and science. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
“A little bit of planning goes a long way.”
Certain individuals ascertain that the world wide web (www) has decreased the utility of learning facts about the past and science. Do you support or disprove of this opinion? Give a logical argument for your position and include examples from your own studies and past. [*This is NOT your introduction but it will be useful for your essay.]
Identify the TOPIC and the CONTORLLING IDEA
TOPIC – What am I supposed to discuss in this essay?
TOPIC = the need of modern-day learners to study history and science
CONTROLLING IDEA = The internet has made this need decrease
What is the need of modern-day learners?
To acquire information and skills
Why is there a need for this for modern-day learners, to acquire certain types of information?
*Think of examples – I’m a farmer and I need to learn how to milk a cow and plant tomato seeds. Why?
A: To survive (to see tomorrow) and thrive (to have fun today and tomorrow)
How do modern day learners learn to achieve this goal? – (What do we need to learn these days to do this?)
Be learning skills which are relevant to modern context – IT, practical thinking, creativity, critical thinking, research, strategic thinking, science, history, math.
*Certainly the internet has made factual knowledge of science and history learning less important, as other skills have emerged as very important, but it has not made learning these obsolete.
Thesis statement (argument) – this must be your best sentence and it must show your reader what you will discuss in your essay.
I completely support the idea that the internet has reduced the need for modern-day learners to concentrate as much on historical and scientific facts in their studies, as the world wide web not only provides convenient access to such information but also creates a demand for alternative skills to thrive in society.
TIP – *repetition of ideas without further details is THE ENEMY in Task 2 – because it eats up your time and decreases your score! (A very common mistake in IELTS)
INTRODUCITON (hook + background + thesis)
The knowledge taught to each generation of humans differs from the past. The best school curriculum prepares learners to not only survive but also to thrive in society, and traditionally, for the past few generations this has included a concentration on both history and science. However, times have changed and so have the needs of modern-day people. Therefore, I completely support the idea that the internet has reduced the need for modern-day learners to concentrate as much on historical and scientific facts in their studies, as the world wide web not only provides convenient access to such information but also creates a demand for alternative skills to prosper.
BODY 1 – (less need to learn history science because of convenient access)
TOPIC [definition of convenient access]
The internet allows individuals to access information about the past or sciences virtually anywhere and immediately, and in great up-to-date detail. (Explanation – use visual and quantitative language) Portable devices, such as laptops and smartphones which are connected to the net, enable learners to research the latest articles and videos on science and history at work, school or home, whenever needed, and this makes it less important to commit such information to memory in school classes. (Example – whenever possible, think of an example that you can also adapt in your next paragraph – also, make sure it is SPECIFIC and EASY for your reader) Even though, I did not learn as much about biology in my high school as my father, I was able to find out a lot of interesting scientific information about the COVID 19 vaccine by searching on my phone using the internet as soon as this vaccine appeared on the market, and this has allowed me to make an informed decision about my health.
BODY 2 –
An effect of the internet and the information age has been the demand of various skills needed for prosperity that are learned is school which replace that of historical and scientific knowledge. (Explain) Millions of people in today’s world are working in thousands of jobs that require creative and critical thinking and the use of technology rather than factual knowledge of the past, as there is a plethora of new challenges faced by professionals daily in a rapidly technologically developing world. (Example) I read that the scientists who developed the COVID 19 vaccine were able to do so because of their advanced university curricula which promoted a high level of critical thinking rather than a pure focus on sciences; not in the least, using the internet to quickly communicate and advance their ideas.
(Main points restated) In conclusion, the internet has given humanity the ability to discover scientific and historical information at the click of a button. As well, it has created a demand for different skillsets for prosperity that did not exist in the past. (Argument strengthened) Therefore, I strongly believe that there is a much lower need for schools to focus on rote memorization of facts about the past and science. (take-home-message) The goal of education should always be to enable a thriving society of the future.

I disagree with the notion that the internet has reduced the need for studying facts in history and science. While the internet makes it much easier to find information, it cannot replicate the learning process that takes place when we study history and science in-depth. Additionally, there are certain nuances of both history and science that simply cannot be discovered without an in-depth study of both topics, including critical thinking and problem-solving skills which are essential to both history and science.
For example, studying history can provide us with valuable insights into patterns and relationships throughout the ages, as well as the contexts that influence our actions today. Additionally, studying facts about history can help us understand the motivations of individuals within their particular time and place in history.
Similarly, the study of science requires a deep understanding of complex theories, concepts, and facts. In order to appreciate the magnitude of scientific discoveries, one must also understand the method by which these conclusions were reached. Furthermore, scientific theories are constantly evolving, and an in-depth knowledge of scientific facts may prove useful in understanding current scientific advances or developments.
In conclusion, the internet can provide us with an immense amount of information, but it cannot replace an in-depth study of history and science. By studying facts in history and science, we can gain much more than mere knowledge—we can learn to think critically and solve problems in a way that the internet simply cannot provide.