No Matter the Speaking Interview Set-up, imagine yourself having a team meeting with a colleague at your company, your are being confident, professional and well-spoken. *You are not both from the same department, you are from different departments, like IT and marketing, so you need to COMPLETELY and CLEARLY express yourself, giving examples when needed.
Examiner Questions:
May I see your identification please?
Yes, certainly, here is my id that I used a couple of weeks back when I registered for the test online.
What is your full name?
My full name is Timothy Fredrick Anderson, please just call me Tim for short, it’s what I’m used to hearing.
Where do you live? – high band communication is such that it is detailed, logical and visible/quantifiable
I have been living in a two-bedroom flat in the heart of Budapest for the past couple of years with my lovely wife and daughter, as most people know this city is the capital of Hungary.
***In the beginning, avoid contractions, then later use them.
So, in the beginning, “I have been living…” —-later—-“I’ve been living”
This makes your grammar use very clear for the examiner and it will emphasize and slow your language at the start.
What do you like about living there?
I love the 12 foot ceilings in my flat, it really makes it bright and spacious, also I love my balcony which overlook a city park and on nice summer days, I can go out there for a barbecue or to catch some sun rays.
Let’s talk about communication.
What technology do you use to communicate to others? ***To get good scores on IELTS – lead with the answer not the explanation – answer – explain and example,
Most of the time I use my Samsung S8 and my HP laptop to communicate with friends and family either through Skype or Whatsapp, since these software are both efficient and cheap. In fact, I just got off a 30 minute English practice call on Skype with one of my friends in Japan just before walking into this exam.
Which is your favorite way to communicate? Why?
Well, even though I’m forced to communicate often through the technology I just mentioned, because of the current pandemic situation, I actually prefer to have conversations in-person, face-to-face because I find that I get a lot more emotional information in this way and it is extremely valuable for personal relationships. I mean I couldn’t imagine how tough it would be if I could only communicate through a screen with my daughter for longer periods of time.
How often do you send text messages? When you hear “how often” -> put a number to it!
I definitely send quite a few messages throughout the day, I would say easily 30 to 50 in a 24-hour period, whether contacting friends, family or coworkers, I’m typing away with my thumbs regularly on my mobile.
What is good about your communication?
How can you improve your communication?
How have computers changed the way people interact with each other?
If you have to talk about a serious situation to friends or family, where is a good place?

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