Hi Students! Here are the Speaking part 1 questions that we covered in the past. Remember to practice your speaking by clicking, “Student Partner Speaking” in your My Student Account at https://www.aehelp.com/buy/ (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package) Good studies.
Examiner Questions:
What is your full name?
My full name is Zackary Wellington, please just call me Zack for short.
May I see your identification?
Yes, of course, here is my passport that I used to register for the exam, please have a look for verification.
Where do you live? (city/region + your residency/apartment or house)
I reside in a two-bedroom apartment near the Danube River in the heart of Budapest, the capital of Hungary, with my lovely wife and daughter.
Do you have any hobbies? (smooth examples for answers using, “just”, “specifically”, “particularly”
[front yard, front garden]
Yes, I love to partake in cooking and dancing when I have some spare time. These days I’m learning rhythm dances with my wife, specifically salsa, hustle, and rhumba. I’m truly enjoying sharing this hobby with my better half.
- Coherency and fluency 2. Grammatical Range and Accuracy 3. Lexical Resource 4. Pronunciation Coherence + Complexity + Natural
Let’s talk about sleeping.
How many hours do you sleep each night?
Most of the time, especially on weekdays, I sleep 7 hours a night and wake up around 6:30 am to go for a jog. On the weekends I sleep in until about 8 am, so I get an extra hour of sleep.
What time do you go to sleep? (Why?) *hit the hay/hit the sac = go to bed
Well, as I had just mentioned, I usually hit the hay around 10pm, because I need at least 7 hours of sleep to function throughout the next day. Also, my 4-year-old daughter demands a lot of energy, so I need to get to bed at this time to keep up with her.
When do you wake up? (Why?)
I often get up initially at half-past 5 and then snooze until about a quarter past six, and finally roll out of bed at 6:30. This is my wake up ritual, and it helps me start the day with positive energy, my wife calls me a hibernating bear. Then, I go for a jog as I said before.
Do you remember your dreams from your sleep? Can you give an example?
Yes, I do recall some of my dreams from time to time, I would say probably three to four times a month, sometimes they are good, like catching a huge fish with my dad on the lake and at other times they are nightmares, like falling off a high building.
Has the way you sleep changed in the last 10 years? Is this good or bad?
If you could change something about your sleeping, what would it be? (Why?)

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