IELTS Task 1 Writing – Band 9 Strategies – Wheat Export

Hi Students! Here is the Task 1 writing question that we covered recently. Remember to get editing feedback on your writing by clicking, “Task 1 or Task 2” green buttons in your My Student Account at (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package) Good studies.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

The following graph shows the change in wheat exports for different countries in a given time period. Report the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

OVERVIEW (detailed paraphrase of the question + the most observable feature(s)
The given line graph depicts the wheat exports from three regions, Australia, Canada and the European Communities between 1985 and 1990 measured in millions of tonnes. Immediately, it is evident that these three regions’ wheat exports had varying trends over the half-decade period.

Write at least 150 words.

OVERVIEW (detailed paraphrase of the question + the most observable feature(s)

The given line graph depicts the wheat exports from three regions, Australia, Canada and the European Communities (EC) between 1985 and 1990 measured in millions of tonnes. Immediately, it is evident that these three regions’ wheat exports had varying trends over the half-decade period.


At the start of this time period, in 1985, all three regions were in a similar range of wheat exports, between 15 and 20 million tonnes. Canada had the highest amount of exports in the beginning, and after a slight dip in 1986, wheat exports rose dramatically to 25 million tonnes by the year 1988. This was followed by a steep decrease of 11 million tonnes in the next year, and eventually a slight recovery by 1990. Initially, in the first year, the EC wheat exports showed a similar pattern as Canada; however, in the following two years, its exports were stable at about 15 million tonnes, and in 1988, it shot up, surpassing Canada in 1989, and eventually becoming the highest wheat exporting region by 1990. Australia had an inverse trend to Canada and the EC in the first year, thereby slightly surpassing the EC. However, the amount of grain export in the four years following decreased gradually at ended at 12 million tonnes by 1990, making it the lowest exporting region at that time.

SUMMARY (a piece of information that we learn through the analyses and is clearly visible in the graph.)

In summary, these wheat exporting regions show variability annually; nevertheless, they all export millions of tonnes of this grain every year.

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