IELTS Writing Task 2 – Parenting

Here is the Task 2 writing question that we covered this past week. Remember to get editing feedback in your by clicking, “Task 1 or Task 2” green buttons in your My Student Account at (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package).

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Some people believe that a greater difference in age between parents and children is more beneficial than less of a difference.
Do you think the advantages of a greater age difference outweigh the disadvantage?

Write at least 250 words.

Certain individuals ascertain that a broader age between parents and their offspring is more advantageous than being closer in age.
Are the benefits of having more years of separation between parents and children greater than the deficits? (gap = segregation) (overshadow the deficits)

TOPIC = Parent’s age (Parenting)

Controlling idea = Are the advantages of having a greater age difference between parents and their children more than the disadvantages?

What is the average age difference between parents and children?

Young parent = 20

Average parent = 25-30

Old parent = 35 – 45

Why is there a greater age difference between parents and children?

Parents want to have stable careers first. Parents want to establish themselves first. Parents want more life experience. The parent’s priorities are different than in the past! (different set or order of priorities). Becoming independent in society takes more years of education and training.

How does this larger age gap happen? People go to university, travel the world, get a job…

What are the advantages of a greater age gap?

Parents have more money, time, experience (wisdom, maturity), empathy, and patience (TIP – time and money are often good points to think of whenever the question is dealing with a social construct)

What are the disadvantages of a greater age gap?

Less energy, support (in the long-run), empathy (to be able to understand the situation of the other person),

Are the advantages more than the disadvantages?

If your answer is “I don’t know” -> NO

*The advantages are not necessarily greater than the disadvantages of having a larger age gap between parents and children.
Thesis: I do not believe that the advantages of a greater age gap between children and parents, such as having more time and money, necessarily overshadow the disadvantages of having less energy and empathy.

Type 1 – Intro, adv 1, adv 2, conclusion (agree that the advantages are greater)
Type 2 – Intro, disadv 1, disadv 2, conclusion (disagree and the disadvantages are greater)
Type 3 – Intro, adv 1, disadv 2, conclusion (if you neither agree nor disagree)

Late parents do not have financial problems in life compared with younger parents. (negative perspective)
Late parents have enough finances to afford a home, food, and education for their children as to where this is more challenging for younger
parents (positive perspective)

***Keep in mind that an argument for a supportive point of view is always more effective than a disproving point of view.

INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH (hook, background, and thesis)

(Hook) In current generations, it is much more common to have children at an older age than in the past. (Background). Previously, most young adults became parents in their early to mid-’20s as where these days, many people start to have children in their late 30’s and early 40’s. This age difference has a significant impact on both parents and children as well as society. (Thesis) I do not believe that the advantages of a greater age gap between children and parents, such as having more time and money, necessarily overshadow the disadvantages of having less energy and empathy.

BODY 1 (Topic sentence – Deeper definition of thesis point 1, a descriptive paraphrase for point 1 – having more time and money).
A positive aspect of being a mature parent is financial stability which in turn also provides ample time for childrearing. (Explanation – quantify (give numbers) and make it visual and logical) Parents in their 30’s and 40’s have established their careers and make thousands of dollars a month which enables them to provide all of the luxuries for their children like a big home and lots of toys. In addition, they are not preoccupied with spending an additional six hours a day on their studies and have this time to interact with their kids. Clearly, this benefits their offspring. (Example – should be a specific real-world representation of your explanation) My uncle and aunt had my cousin Mike at the age of 35 and they spend at least 10 hours a day with him playing together in their four-bedroom home with hundreds of toys. (Connecting/concluding sentence) Nevertheless, these advantages do not truly outweigh certain deficits.

BODY 2 (topic sentence, explanation, example – less energy and empathy)
As people get into their 30s and older, they tend to run out of energy faster than their younger-aged counterparts. In addition, they have a greater generational gap with children and therefore understand less of their world. As people age, they require more sleep and have less active energy to play sports or games and this means being less effective as parents since children demand 14 hours or more of intense interaction daily. Not only that, but as trends and technology advances, they do not have as much insight into the daily lives of their offspring. Often times, my uncle is arguing with Mike about using a tablet too much simply because he does not understand that this is standard for today’s youth.

CONCLUSION (points restated, argument strengthened, take-home-message)
In conclusion, the clear benefits of late parenthood are money and time, but the negatives are low energy and understanding. I do not think that either of the benefits truly is more valuable than the negatives. In respect of this, people should have children when they feel ready.

Here is the Task 2 writing question that we covered this past week. Remember to get editing feedback in your by clicking, “Task 1 or Task 2” green buttons in your My Student Account at (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package).

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