IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Life Improvements

Hi Students! Here are the Speaking Part 3 questions that we covered in the past. Remember to practice your speaking by clicking, “Student Partner Speaking” in your My Student Account at (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package) Good studies.

PART 2 – Talk about and idea you had to make your life better – planning to buy a Tesla so that I can have more convenience, save money on gas, good conscience by not polluting, improved social status. *remember this information going into Part 3!!!

E: “Now I will ask you some more questions related to the topic of Part 2.”

  • Other ideas that we thought about to make our lives better were: studying abroad – learn other cultures and master English, make good connections, getting a masters degree in business – successful in life and make money, doing some yoga – healthy body and mind

***Keep in mind no only your response in Part 2, but also the other ideas that you had during planning because these will come in VERY useful in part 3. – these will help you be more fluent and coherent.

***Make sure to use the key elements of part 3 questions in your answers, paraphrase as much as possible, so that you stay focused on the exact answer and get high coherence marks.


Let’s talk about life improvements.

What are some ways that people can quickly make their lives better?

There are a few different approaches to rapidly improving a person’s lifestyle, such as buying some useful luxury items, like the Tesla I just mentioned. And, another one that comes to mind is eating healthier as this seems to help energy and positive mood in just a matter of days.

What are the best ways to achieve these?

Through working diligently and smartly people can earn lots of money which in turn they can wisely invest into products that improve their overall well being, such as the 120K dollar Tesla that I talk about. In the case of improving one’s diet, this has to be a conscientious decision, and a person has to make clear plan and shop and cook accordingly.

How has technology helped in the last half-century to make people live more comfortably?

Tech has certainly had a massive impact on assisting people to live cushy lives, such as ordering products and food online without having to leave the comfort of their own homes, and even having entertainment in their pockets, by pulling out their mobile phones and either watching a movie or playing an interactive game with friends. Such creature-comforts were simply unimaginable fifty years ago.

Are these always good? (focus on the question and do NOT sit on the fence – avoid saying, “it depends.”)

No, I don’t think that using the comforts provided by technology is always a positive. Often the luxuries provided by modern innovations comes at a price, such as obesity and a lack of social skills. Many people these days spend far too much time in front of the computer or TV and they become overweight and unable to socialize with others. These are certainly negative side-effects.

What should governments focus on to make sure that people will continue to have a higher quality of life in the future?

National authorities ought to emphasize, education, healthcare and environmental awareness in their societies in order to ensure to ongoing improvement in living standards for their citizens. By this I mean building universities, creating scholarships, publicly-funded healthcare systems, and decreasing water, air and land pollution.

Are governments taking such steps?

Let’s talk about positive attitude.

Why is it important to have a positive outlook on life? How can people increase their optimism in their day-to-day living?

Some people believe that a positive attitude requires good surroundings and society while others think that being positive comes from within. Which is correct and why?

Hi Students! Here are the Speaking Part 3 questions that we covered in the past. Remember to practice your speaking by clicking, “Student Partner Speaking” in your My Student Account at (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package) Good studies.

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